Siegen. The Subjective View of the City

5 May 2023 – 8 October 2023
As a city, “Siegen” exists only once in Germany. But is there really only one Siegen? What characterises this Siegen? What does Siegen mean to you?
The exhibition took you on a visual adventure. Not only could you discover different corners of Siegen at different times, but also your own perception of the city, shaped by experiences and encounters. What do you see in the historical and contemporary views of the city? What memories and associations do they evoke in you? What do they make you feel? Your relationship with the city and your perspective of the images was an immaterial and mental part of the exhibition! Five exhibition areas each provided thematic impulses and questions to guide the exploration.

Exhibition imprint
Dr. Karin Kolb, Dr. Philipp Bojahr
Kristin Schrimpf, Dr. Louisa Thomas, Lukas Vehn
Conceptual assistance
Felix Höfer
Visual and digital applications / exhibition design
Johannes Bade, Dr. Philipp Bojahr
Marcel Barion
Texts exhibition and catalogue
Kristin Schrimpf, Dr. Louisa Thomas, Lukas Vehn, Violetta Rudolf
Design and printing of the catalogue
Peter Büdenbender (Pebuero Grafikdesign), Druckhaus Kay GmbH
David Koll, Ute Müller
Exhibition technicians / Object installation
Armin Clemens, Jochen Reinhardt
Siegfried Bellach, Alexander Fischbach – mundus filmproduktion, Felix Höfer, Beatrix Neiner, Schöning Verlag, Cordula Siebel, Siegerländer Heimat- und Geschichtsverein, Stadtarchiv Siegen, Gerhard Vitt, Verlag Werner Weber, Max Wiesenbach, www.damals-in-siegen / Siegener Zeitung, Universitätsarchiv Siegen
We are grateful for the support of
Marco Bussi, Fab Lab Siegen, LWL-Museumsamt für Westfalen, Stadtmarketing Siegen GmbH, Siegener Zeitung, Abteilung Vermessung und Geoinformation Stadt Siegen